Wednesday, July 25, 2007

07/25/07 Update - Ab Inury

Hello All,

Sorry for the lack of updates over the last week or so, I suffered an injury two weekends ago and havent been lifting. I pulled something in my abs, at first I suspected Hernia, but the doctors suspect muscle damage of some sort. The muscle is constantly tense and refuses to loosen up until I pop the Muscle Relaxers the Dr prescribed. Not Fun!!

I think I did this when I lift a picnic table onto my back while moving it to a shaded area for my daughter to sit in. I flipped the sucker onto its end then got under it and flicpped it onto my back. Felt a bit of a twinge but nothing too bad. The Next day I had a bit of a spasm that kept coming and going all day. I was unsure if it was just gas or muscular....very weird...

Anyways, Monday rolled around and it was my deload week. the spasming seemed to subside so I went down and worked out, no pain, no spasming, nothing....Until Tuesday morning. Wednesday rolled around and it appeared to be gone again, so I did SE Benching, again no pain...but the next day...its back.....worse than before...

I went to the doctors on Monday and was told it appears to be an ab strain/pull/ or tear of some sort. The muscle is all tensed up and is whats causing the dull pain in there...Phew!!! All I could think of was Hernia, Appendix getting ready to burst or something equally as, no lifting for this week either.

I will resume lifting on Monday and hopefully be healed enough, if not I may have to go back to the doc and get scanned for other nefarious probalems....lets hope it doesnt come to this as I hate Doctors....

Anyway, thats where I am at.....Keep it Dark, Keep it Heavy!!!

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