Tuesday, March 21, 2006

03/21 ME DL

Conventional DL (Off Mats/Mid-Shin) 135x5, 185x4, 225x4, 275x3, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 455x1, 495x1, 545x1
Conventional DL (Off Mats Mid-Shin) (Down-Sets) 490x3x1
Band Leg Curls Minix3x15

Had a decent night, i decided to do Conventional DL (Which i suck at) with the weight placed on mats at around mid shin (roughly 3 inches higher than normal). I also took a double overhand grip with straps at the 405 mark (grip was weak from grip training at work). Since i've never done this before i was actually quite happy with the outcome and established a new record for yet another ME movement i can now do. Since i have a meet in july which is push/pull i am going to use more DL variations on ME day. I was only doing them once every 4 workouts but will change that to this: ME Squat, ME DL, ME GM, ME DL etc....at the twelve week mark i have a routine picked out to help me peak for the meet. Since i stink at Conventional DL's i figure to use these in the variations as well, this should help to jack up the old DL, guess time will tell...Tomorrow will be a feeder workout for todays pulling which lasted nearly an hour, i figure if i approach the weight right next time i should beable to break tonights record easily. I had more volume than normal on the approach as i had never done this sucker before...Well thats about it for now, until next time Eat Wheaties!!!

1 comment:

Powerlifter1974 said...

Thanks Rick, i hope to pull 550 and bench 405, shouldnt be too lofty, anything higher would be gravy. I figure for both of those weights to be the second and go higher for third attempts. Guess we'll see where im at in a couple months. I got a pretty good 12 week meet cycle so im quite confident.