Friday, February 24, 2006

02/24 ME DL

Deadlift 260x5, 315x3, 365x2, 415x2, 475x1, 505x1PR
Down-Set DL's 455x3x1
Box Jumps BWx4x6
KB Swing Throughs (Single-Arm) 63x4x6

Not too bad of a night, just one of those days where i was expecting more but things just didnt unfold like i would have liked. Do you ever get that feeling when your at work, you feel like you could shatter any PR set in front of you only to finally get to work out time and feel tapped? Today was one of those days. I'm still glad i got the PR but i was expecting more, especially around 10:30 this morning when i felt invincible, oh well, such is life.....The 505 went pretty easy but i left it there as i really didnt have much left in the tank, so to get some more time in at lifts 90% or better i opted for the downsets of singles. Every single one of the heavier sets fought me all the way, pains in the arse i tell you...those box jumps were killer as well, felt explosive but those things suck after heavy deads, my body felt all tightened up like a piece of drift wood but definitely loosened up a bit after those. Im not quite sure of the height, it was just my box squat box with a bunch of rubber mats under it, i guess anything is high when your 5'7", fucking stump.......The swing throughs are nice though, definitely felt them in the posterior and they are doing wonders for my traps, this is helping alot with getting a nice platform to set the bar on for Squats, all around a great exercise, highly recommended....well that is it for tonight, time to put the little crumbsnatcher to bed and get some reading in, never thought i would say that on a friday night until i became a father, how the priorities change!!!!


John said...

Nice job on the deadlift PR, especially when feeling not quite 100%.
You think you're short but you've got me by an inch and a half... LOL

Powerlifter1974 said...

Thanks guys, that might be something i will look into for the future stinn, the one thing ive learned lately is when i dont feel 100% im gonna back off a bit, no need to force a bad effort......